DisabilityPride.net Virtual Parade – in recogition of NAAW

We are inviting any group, organization, individual, entrepreneur, artist, or any other category of persons, who holds a positive attitude on disabilities, disability issues, and disability rights, to submit a representational image, or a 30-SECONND video, to: virtual2020parade@disabilitypride.net no later than Wednesday, May 27, 2020, at 11:59pm. We encourage you to be creative, imaginative, and get inspired! There WILL be prizes!!!!!!

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We are inviting any group, organization, individual, entrepreneur, artist, or any other category of persons, who holds a positive attitude on disabilities, disability issues, and disability rights, to submit a representational image, or a 30-SECONND video, to: virtual2020parade@disabilitypride.net no later than Wednesday, May 27, 2020, at 11:59pm.

We will be hosting a livestream featuring these images and videos on our Facebook page

We encourage you to be creative, imaginative, and get inspired!
There WILL be prizes!!!!!!