It’s Back! – A Re-Introduction to Written in Faith

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For the past month or so, I’ve been feeling a familiar nudge – that metaphorical gentle poke in the ribs, that invisible tap on the shoulder. It’s a sensation I know well. I’ve felt it a few times in my past and I know it won’t go away. It’s going to keep jabbing at me ‘til I give in and do what it wants.

In acknowledging its presence, I smile a little and silently ask: “Really? You really want me to resurrect that? Really? Okay… You know best.”

Clearly from the lessons of folks like Moses, Jonah and even Adam & Eve, I know that one can’t run (or even hide) from “The Big Guy.” There’s nowhere anyone can go that you won’t hear that loving parental voice ask: “Are you kidding me? Seriously? You figured I wouldn’t know where you’d hide – I wouldn’t know exactly where to find you? Seriously???… You thought that? Really now.”

After what seemed like an incredibly cruel, slow and painful death, I shut down I forget exactly when that was, but it became too painful to watch written-in-faith stagnate while my now very ex-husband’s all consuming needs of various kinds (medical, mental, emotional, fearful, psychological and his self-centeredness) took precedence.

But that was then. This is now. Obviously. And recently I’ve had a second thought. As some of you know, in 2021 I had intended to start my auto-biography, but the year was pretty much fraught with one disruption after another.

I know I’ve mentioned this before but one thing I’ve always liked about “new years” is the idea of a fresh start – kind of a reset button opportunity. So I started 2022 with that mind-set but quickly got discouraged again. In attempting to find, sort, review, and just determine what was what, I quickly became frustrated and overwhelmed.

See, most writers (or at least this writer) when writing, get immersed in the process, “in the flow” of words. We (or I) don’t often think about the mechanics of things like double-backups, (making sure your final composition is saved at least in one other place) and when updating a previously written piece, we often don’t stop long enough to even slightly rename the file – example: “In The Woods – 02” (the “- 02” indicating a revision of some kind.) Nope! We just open the file and start revising. Every once in a while we’ll “backup” a whole directory or drive onto another drive. If it’s been months (or years) since you’ve used your article but now want to revive it again, you might open it, save it in another location, then revise it again. After years of doing this, (sometimes not even realizing you’ve done this) well, you can see how easy it is to wind up with multiple versions of the same piece; and if you’re like I am, where you feel that a few words (or even one word) can make a huge difference, ahh, well again, figuring out what’s what can become really intense and stressful.

I’ve also on occasion been reminded that written in faith can encompass many things. Faith in what? Faith in yourself? Faith in God? Faith in your abilities? Faith in Humanity?

So yes. I’ve decided to resurrect In doing so I’ll likely embrace the many notions of faith and simply just write. I’ll also still work on my autobiography; but the posts on written-in-faith. will complement my life’s story and any of my other literary works.