Tag: videos

Disability Pride Parade is a Wrap!

Our first ever Disability Pride Parade has now wrapped and was a complete success!

We are so very proud of our community coming together and supporting us with dozens of images and videos to use as “floats” in our virtual parade. The powerful images and videos are available on our YouTube channel and will be there to view and enjoy any time we need to be reminded of what disability pride looks like.

We have started the process of awarding prizes and will have announcements regarding the winners shortly! If you received an email from us asking for your mailing address, please respond to that email with the requested info so we can get your well-earned prizes to you!

Disability Pride History

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A brief celebration of disability pride in the recent history of the disability rights movement.

Thank you to Renee Lopez and Ann Ross for contributing these images

Is it Really Time? By Gerianne Hull, Read by Chelsey Joudrie

Is it Really Time? By Gerianne Hull, Read by Chelsey Joudrie

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A poem about unconventional friendship, technology and changes in relationships.

The second in our series of poems written by Gerianne Hull and read by fans and friends. To help us make more videos like this, please support us by becoming a patron. Visit the link to our Patreon page and pledge as little as $1 a month. You’ll be entered into prize draws and receive a personal thank you!

The First

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The first poem in our series, available to watch on our Patreon!

It’s available free to everyone, and we plan to keep it that way, however we have started our Patreon with the belief that our supporters on the blog will be interested in supporting us as patrons as well.

This poetry series is the first of many new projects we have on the go. With your support of our Patreon campaign, we will be able to bring some exciting new work to you.

Calling All Poetry Fans!!!

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DisabilityPride.net calls all fans of our work and all fans of poetry in general to help us with a project.

We need fans and friends to record them reading one of Gerianne’s poems!

We would love to have you be a part of this new project!

We’re looking for volunteers to record themselves reading one of Gerianne’s poems. Gerianne would like to select the poem for each reader volunteer from “A Little Insight” and is also hoping that the readers will also record themselves reading the origins of and inspiration behind the poem.

The goal is to get a wide range of friends and fans to reads the poems and to post the videos on YouTube and our Facebook page. We may also offer a small payment to readers as a way of saying thank you, since we can’t treat the volunteers to a cup of coffee right now. Message Gerianne or DisabilityPride.net on Facebook if you would like to help us!

Stay safe and be well!